Senin, 28 Mei 2012


Keyloger adalah software pencatat aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh kita di computer.Berasal dari kata
kerja “log”. Orang/program yang melakukan aktifitas log ini namanya “logger”. Sedangkan “logging” berarti adalah istilah untuk kegiatan “merekam” aktifitas log-nya. Apapun
yang kita ketikkan di computer, maka akan tercatat oleh keyloger tersebut. Dari kita
menekan a-z, 0-9, kombinasi keyboard seperti ctrl+A dan lain-lain akan tercatat oleh
keylogger. Keylogger akan mencatatnya dalam bentuk file teks, *.txt.

Cara kerja keyloger bersifat hidden (tersembunyi). Biasanya dia akan muncul di systray jika
kita melakukan kombinasi keyboard (shortcut tertentu). Begitu kita menekan kombinasi
keyboard, maka icon keylogger akan muncul di systray.

Untuk mempermudah dan mengerti cara kerja keylogger, maka Anda bisa mempraktekkan
di computer Anda… Materi ini digunakan untuk membantu kita terhindar dari kejahatan
alat elektronik
 Download Keylogger

Keylogger Features

  • Key Stroke Recording
    • Allows both remote and local access to key logs for viewing.
    • Records keyboard characters on Standard English Keyboard for easy monitoring.
    • Logs either archived or stored via remote server.
    • Easy viewing and searching of key terms captured by key logger application.
    • Keys color coded for easy log viewing.
    • Key loger is simple and easy to use.
  • Screen shot capturing
    • Captures images of users desktop and stores locally or emails files to user specified accounts.
    • Easy viewing of screenshots along with Timestamps and IP address information.
    • Captures screen shots at user specified intervals.
  • Web browser history monitoring
    • Browser History is recorded and logged.
    • Timestamp and Windows user is recorded.
    • Displays exact url that was loaded along with any additional resources.
    • Sortable grid view to organize and order history.
  • Search engine recording
    • Capture search engine queries in most major search engines across the web such as (Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask).
    • Easy viewing of search engine queries.
    • Get to know what people are searching for.
  • Online remote access
    • Log in online at to access Desktop Shark installed on remote computers.
    • Easy to setup and manage.
    • No monthly fee.
  • Popular Website Passwords
    • Gain access to popular websites such as Facebook, MSN, Yahoo and many more.
    • Records passwords typed in through popular web browsers.
  • IP Tracking
    • Track you computer/laptop regardless of where it is at by IP tracking.
    • Beyond Desktop Sharks basic features it also allows tracking of computers via IP and Mac addresses.
  • Configurable Settings
    • Easy to use settings allows Desktop Shark to be customized.
    • Our user-friendly design allows for easy customization.
  • Software Plugins and Extensions
    • Add extra features for our PC Monitoring Software and Keylogger by installing plugins.
    • Browse our easy to use one stop shop for plugins and new features.
    • Record external audio from the microphone during set intervals.
    • Free downloads for plugins and support.
    • Add extra features for our PC Monitoring Software and Keylogger by installing plugins.
    • Example plugins include microphone audio recording, browser plugins and chat instant messenger specific loggers
    • Browse our online plugin database

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